Neti (nose cleansing practice)

Neti is one of the six Kryas (cleansing practices) mentioned in classical texts.
Jala Neti (sometimes called Saline Nasal Irrigation), is the practice of cleaning the upper nasal passages with warm salted water. It greatly enhances olfactory sensitivity and is an important therapeutic concept in the treatment of upper respiratory tract ailments. It supports and reactivates the nasal mucosa cleansing mechanisms. Classical texts also claim that it induces clairvoyance and removes diseases that are above the shoulders.

Neti pot The technique is fairly simple and while most online yoga shops will happily sell you a dedicated Neti Pot, a small teapot could do, providing the spout is the right shape so you can pour the water down your nostrils without splashing it all over.
You will also need some good quality sea salt. Salt is often mixed with anticaking agents which gives it an unpleasant taste (or smell). Make sure to use good quality, pure sea salt.

When doing Jala Neti, the two main points to remember are:

Once your Neti pot is filled with water at the right temperature and degree of salinity, bend forward and then tilt the head to one side. Relax, breathe through the mouth and pour gently the salted water through the upper nostril. The water will flow around the septum and out through the other nostril. Do not inhale as you are pouring the water through the nose. Pour half the water through one nostril, then blow your nose vigorously before tilting the head the other way and repeating the operation for the other nostril.
The first few times, it is probably better to practice in the shower of bath and have a towel handy, as you might be splashing salty water around.
Once you have finished, blow you nose vigorously to dry the nasal passages.

The operation only takes a couple of minutes, is not as uncomfortable as you may think, and its benefits are such that it is well worth including Jala Neti in your routine.