A five week online course exploring the four qualities of the heart, the Brama Viharas, (metta / friendliness, karuna / compassion, mudita / appreciative joy, uppeka / equanimity). Through a balanced practice of Sati Yoga, you will learn how to integrate these qualities in your life to become more open and grounded and to meet life with more clarity, compassion and creativity.
Meditation integrated with asana and breathwork
The four elements of Satiyoga: ethics, asana, breathwork and meditation provide both the foundation and structure for this journey together. Sessions will involve creative explorations of postural practice, integrative breath work and guided meditations, allowing for the theme of the retreat to be explored from all angles.
The course consist of five 90 minutes online sessions through Zoom, from 7.30 to 9.00 pm (GMT) starting on Thursday 25th March 2021.
Each session will be a balanced mix of asana, pranayama and meditation practice, as well as some discussion and presentation.
You will also be able to access online support material between the classes.
Click here to book
There is no fixed price for this course, it is run on donation.