Sati Yoga Teacher Training program

A modular Sati yoga teacher training program, leading to a 200 hours or a 500 hours certification with the Independent Yoga Network is held at Macalla farm, in Ireland. The next course is starting in Summer 2021.
This training program explores the connections between the mindfulness and concentration practices of Buddhism and the practices of classical and contemporary yoga. It covers asana, pranayama, kriya, bandha, mindfulness meditation, yoga & Buddhist philosophy and ethics, anatomy & physiology and teaching technique and practice.

The 200 hours program is opened to serious students with at least two years of regular home practice in any style of yoga or meditation and a commitment to improve and broaden this practice with a view to teach others.
It consists of three residential modules, with home practice, study, reading and writing assignments and regular online meetings in between.
The continuation 300 hours program is a modular programme open to yoga practionners who hold at least a 200 hours certificate from any school of yoga or have completed the 200 hours Sati yoga teacher training programme.
After successful completion of theses programmes, students will be qualified to teach Sati yoga, and can apply for a 500 hours certification with the Independent Yoga Network .

Click here for more information on these programs